How can we help you?
Compressed air is needed for many applications, often in industrial plants and warehouses. However, there are many times when compressed air is needed on building sites or other remote locations. For applications like this, a towable compressor is an indispensable piece of equipment.
Small, compact and robust, towable air compressors are designed to deliver the same high quality of compressed air, on-the-go! Designed to meet the demanding conditions of a variety of terrains, towable compressors give you the freedom to benefit from a reliable source of compressed air, in any location.
The C-Series of portable air compressors from CompAir utilises screw compression technology. The male and female rotors spin in opposite directions, trapping air in the space between them and forcing it to a higher pressure.
The rotors are powered by an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient diesel engine motor. The motors are equipped with a soft start-up mechanism to reduce stress on the engine, allowing it to reach the running temperature with the compressor unloaded.
Portable controllers with digital displays allow you to monitor your compressor operational data. The controller is equipped with quick and easy-to-use pressure settings and indication lamps which allow you to get the most out of your machine.
It is important to ensure that your mobile air compressor fulfils the emission standards outlined in directive 97/68/EC against the emission of particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines in non-road mobile machinery. All diesel engines must conform to this standard to ensure that they are environmentally friendly and safe to use on busy working sites.
All towable compressors within the C-Series conform to this standard and are fitted with a Diesel Particle Filter (DPF). These help to control emissions by removing contaminating particles from the air by passing the exhaust gases through a flow filter that traps any polluting particles. The DPF will need regular cleaning to ensure the build-up of particle matter is removed.
Several of our models can be retrofitted with diesel particle filters in order to bring your existing compressor up to the current emission legislation standards.
Running Pneumatic Machinery and Air Tools
The most common use of towable compressors is to power air tools or other pneumatic machinery. Air-driven tools are the industry standard across many industrial applications as they offer great energy savings and are powerful and reliable.
Road Building and Construction Jobs
Mobile air compressors are often used for general road building and construction jobs as users need to access the building sites quickly and easily. Diesel compressors are a great option for construction as you do not need to worry about connecting to the power grid for electricity.
Air compressors can provide power to drills that are used for quarrying and extracting stones or other materials. As expected, quarries often have rough terrain so the compressor must be sturdy, balanced and able to handle demanding ground conditions.
Restoration Work and Landscaping
Towable compressors are used in remote locations where landscaping and other restoration building work may be taking place.
Electric or Diesel
Flow and Pressure
Weight, Size and Maneuverability
Noise Level